Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario: 2020 Conference
Oct 8, 8:00am EST - Oct 9, 7:00pm EST
Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario: 2020 Conference
Oct 8, 8:00am EST - Oct 9, 7:00pm EST
Before 2020, anyone with experience in Ontario’s healthcare system thought they knew what change meant. Whole system transformations with their related policy, system and practice implications were a matter of course, including the (still) recent introduction of Ontario Health Teams.
Now such changes seem almost a lifetime ago. COVID-19 has shifted our priorities with a focus on how to support our patients and our teams in new ways of delivering care.
Primary care has risen to the challenge, but the ground is still shifting, and the future is uncertain. Interprofessional teams need to cross newly opened chasms to ensure they continue to provide patients and communities the care they require, all while they renew team dynamics to strengthen the foundation on which patient care rests. In short, we need to rebuild primary care for this new world.
The 2020 AFHTO conference focuses on 5 core themes:
- Mental health and addiction support in primary care
- Integrating digital health and virtual care
- Integrated care and community responses
- Public health and primary care
- Addressing social determinants of health
Register to share your primary care Choosing Wisely initiatives with the AFHTO community!