Choosing Wisely Talks | Kaiser Permanente of Georgia’s Choosing Wisely Regional Implementation
12:00pm EST - 1:00pm EST
Choosing Wisely Talks | Kaiser Permanente of Georgia’s Choosing Wisely Regional Implementation
12:00pm EST - 1:00pm EST
Dr. Scott Pugel, Kaiser Permanente Georgia, discussed their evidence-based care initiatives. In 2013, the Kasier’s Department of Resource Stewardship examined data about its physicians’ practice patterns using Choosing Wisely initiatives and shared findings with medical leadership teams. The Adult Medicine Department took a closer look at ordering patterns for complete blood count (CBC) screening tests as well as four other Choosing Wisely diagnostic testing and imaging recommendations. Teamwork, the sharing of resources, a comprehensive EMR system, as well as audit and feedback enabled a change behavior at Kaiser Permanente and showed substantial results towards more appropriate ordering and care.
Did you miss it? Watch the webinar.