For Our Planet: Introducing Choosing Wisely Canada’s Climate-Conscious Recommendations
12:00pm ET - 1:00pm ET
For Our Planet: Introducing Choosing Wisely Canada’s Climate-Conscious Recommendations
12:00pm ET - 1:00pm ET
Every test, treatment, and procedure contributes to material waste and carbon emissions. By reducing unnecessary testing or treatments, clinicians can make a positive contribution towards the health of patients and the planet.
Join Choosing Wisely Talks on May 15 at 12 p.m. ET for the launch of 41 new Choosing Wisely Canada climate-conscious recommendations. Developed by national clinician societies and associations spanning 20 specialties, these recommendations offer practical ways to stop or reduce routine practices that harm the environment without compromising patient care.
- Dr. Srinivas Murthy and Dr. Marko Balan, Canadian Critical Care Society
- Kiet-Nghi Cao, Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists
Missed the webinar? Watch it now.