Beyond the Mask: Implementing Choosing Wisely Recommendations in Anesthesiology
12:00pm EST - 1:00pm EST
Beyond the Mask: Implementing Choosing Wisely Recommendations in Anesthesiology
12:00pm EST - 1:00pm EST
In 2016, it was found that there was a 30-fold difference in rates of preoperative testing for low-risk surgeries in Ontario. If the same is true for the rest of Canada, hundreds of thousands of Canadians are potentially undergoing inappropriate testing before low risk surgery, utilizing resources and time that could be better more appropriately. Recognizing the potential for harm and overuse Ontario’s Anesthesiologists – a section of the Ontario Medical Association constructed an implementation guide to spread the adoption of Choosing Wisely pre-operative testing recommendations into routine pre-operative care. Ontario’s Anesthesiologists did this through their “Beyond the Mask” initiative which aimed at forging strategic relationships, building internal leadership capacity and demonstrating accountability and contribution. Tune in December 7th to hear from Dr. Chris Harle, Chair of Ontario Anesthesiologist on how they developed their BTM Choosing Wisely Implementation Guide, and how it could be scaled nationally.
Did you miss it? Watch the webinar.