Choosing Wisely Talks | Overdiagnosis and Overuse in Québec : What We Know and What We Can Do
12:00pm EST - 1:00pm EST
Choosing Wisely Talks | Overdiagnosis and Overuse in Québec : What We Know and What We Can Do
12:00pm EST - 1:00pm EST
For the first time ever, and to kick off the 2019 series, Choosing Wisely talks will be in French and speak to the experience of clinicians and organizations engaging in the Choisir avec soin campaign in Quebec. Dr. Rene Wittmer, a Montreal based family physician as well as a facilitator and member of the scientific committee for the CFPC and Practicing Wisely, will be joining us for January’s webinar. In lead up to our National Meeting in Montreal 2019 he will be speaking about his experience in engaging other clinicians to use and implement evidence based tools in practice. More specifically, he will speak of initiatives in Québec aiming to reduce overdiagnosis, including the Practising Wisely training program. He will also share some of his favorite resources which may be of particular interest to Québec clinicians.
Did you miss it? Watch the webinar*.
*note: January’s webinar is in French with English slides simultaneously presented