Choosing Wisely Talks | Overutilization in Lab Medicine: Challenges and Opportunities
12:00pm EST - 1:00pm EST
Choosing Wisely Talks | Overutilization in Lab Medicine: Challenges and Opportunities
12:00pm EST - 1:00pm EST
St. Michael’s Hospital (SMH) has been a leading Choosing Wisely institution in Canada, and was one of our first Early Adopter sites in 2014. SMH is leading the pack once more by tackling the inappropriate overutilization of lab resources, especially as it applies to repetitive testing. Thus far, collaboration between clinicians and lab medicine at SMH has reduced inappropriate thyroid hormone testing, coagulating testing in the emergency department, and repetitive routine blood work in hospitalized patients. For June’s webinar we were joined by Dr. Michelle Sholzberg, Dr. Lisa Hicks, and Dr. Julie Gilmour, who reviewed pervasive patterns of overutilization and discussed strategies to address this phenomenon without negatively impacting care.
Did you miss it? Watch the webinar.