Choosing Wisely Alberta & Partnerships for Implementation
12:00pm EST - 1:00pm EST
Choosing Wisely Alberta & Partnerships for Implementation
12:00pm EST - 1:00pm EST
Medical leaders from across Alberta shared with us their experiences in implementing Choosing Wisely Canada recommendations and partnering for success. With Alberta’s unique position of having a single service provider (Alberta Health Services), advanced EMR sets, and Strategic Quality Networks (SQN) focused on quality improvement and stewardship, Alberta has been a front runner in Canadian implementation. Partnership projects currently underway in Alberta include: improving imaging practices for low-back pain, minor head trauma (coming soon), and uncomplicated headaches as well as reducing inappropriate red blood cell transfusions and the ordering of Vitamin D tests. Presenters included: Dr.William Hnydyk, Dr. Lara Cooke, Dr. Eddy Lang, Eileen Patterson PMP, from Alberta Medical Association and Choosing Wisely Alberta.
Did you miss it? Watch the webinar here.