About Choosing Wisely Canada and our Recommendations
Oct 3, 2017 - News
Keeping the lists up to date with the latest evidence is an important priority for Choosing Wisely Canada. Learn more about our process to ensure recommendations are relevant and up to date.
About Choosing Wisely Canada and our Recommendations
Oct 3, 2017 - News
Keeping the lists up to date with the latest evidence is an important priority for Choosing Wisely Canada. Learn more about our process to ensure recommendations are relevant and up to date.
Choosing Wisely Canada is a national campaign to help clinicians and patients engage in conversations about unnecessary tests and treatments.
Choosing Wisely Canada partners with professional societies representing different clinical specialties to develop lists of tests and treatments that clinicians and patients should question. These lists of recommendations identify tests and treatments commonly used in each specialty that are not supported by evidence and may expose patients to harm.
Choosing Wisely Canada recommendations are not intended to be used to establish payment or coverage decisions, and are not intended to eliminate or reduce access to health care. Rather, they are meant to spur conversation between clinicians and patients about what is appropriate and necessary treatment. As each patient situation is unique, clinicians and patients could use the Choosing Wisely Canada materials to determine an appropriate treatment plan together.
Keeping the lists up to date with the latest evidence is an important priority for Choosing Wisely Canada. In addition to encouraging professional societies to immediately update their recommendations in the face of any new evidence, there is also a review that takes place on an annual basis when professional societies are asked to certify that each recommendation is still (a) relevant and (b) up to date with the latest evidence.
Choosing Wisely Canada partners with a wide range of medical associations, health system as well as patient organizations to help put these recommendations into practice. The campaign is organized by a team from University of Toronto, Canadian Medical Association and St. Michael’s Hospital (Toronto). Choosing Wisely Canada does not accept financial support from pharmaceutical, medical devices or any other life sciences companies.
If you have questions about the campaign or recommendation process, please contact us at info@choosingwiselycanada.org.