STARS Leadership Summit From Home
Jun 17, 2020 - News
The fifth STARS Leadership Summit took place online May 25. Students from all of Canada’s 17 medical schools participated to advance resource stewardship.
STARS Leadership Summit From Home
Jun 17, 2020 - News
The fifth STARS Leadership Summit took place online May 25. Students from all of Canada’s 17 medical schools participated to advance resource stewardship.

The fifth STARS (Students and Trainees Advocating for Resource Stewardship) Leadership Summit, which took place on May 25, 2020, looked different than previous years. The Leadership Summit, which had previously been run and planned as an in-person event, moved online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2020-2021 cohort of incoming STARS students quickly adapted to this change and participated fully in the ‘STARS Leadership Summit From Home’. Students from all of Canada’s 17 medical schools participated.
The meeting included plenary presentations on resource stewardship fundamentals by our medical education team, alongside interactive facilitated break out sessions. Eight past STARS students at medical schools from coast to coast facilitated the discussions.
Given limitations on travel and large meetings in the year ahead, STARS is shifting to a longitudinal model, with two planned half-day sessions to take place in Fall 2020, and Winter 2021. Content in these meetings will focus on developing leadership skills, as well as sharing innovative approaches to embed resource stewardship in medical education and raise awareness amongst students and faculty about resource stewardship. Now, more than ever, resource stewardship is a core competency for physicians. Choosing Wisely Canada is delighted to support the 2020-2021 cohort of STARS student leaders.
STARS is generously supported by the Canadian Medical Association. Thank you to the physician and medical student facilitators for the STARS Leadership Summit From Home: Dr. Nadine Korah, Andrew Dixon, Ethan Zhang, Briony Largo, Yousef Boulous, Diane Ramsay, Rachel Greben, Mauricio Mesa and Michael Mehta. The content for the STARS Leadership Summit is co-designed with student representatives. Thank you to Ethan Zhang (the Canadian Federation of Medical Students), Roxanne St-Pierre-Alain (Fédération médicale étudiante du Québec) and Brandy Love (CMA Ambassadors Program) for their input. Finally, thank you to Stephanie Callan for coordinating the STARS at Home Leadership Summit!