Strengthening Canada’s Blood Supply
Jun 9, 2021 - News
Over 190 hospitals have taken the Using Blood Wisely challenge, representing 66% of all transfused blood across the country.
Strengthening Canada’s Blood Supply
Jun 9, 2021 - News
Over 190 hospitals have taken the Using Blood Wisely challenge, representing 66% of all transfused blood across the country.

Next week is National Blood Donor Week (June 13-19), recognizing and celebrating the essential role volunteer donors play in strengthening Canada’s blood supply. Every day, Canadians roll up their sleeves to donate and ensure this lifesaving resource is available when needed most – and it’s our responsibility to use it wisely.
In September 2020, Choosing Wisely Canada and Canadian Blood Services launched Using Blood Wisely, a national campaign to reduce inappropriate red blood cell transfusion practices. Hospitals are challenged to conduct a spot audit of recent red blood cell transfusions to see how they compare to national appropriateness benchmarks.
To date, over 190 hospitals have signed up to take this challenge. The participating hospitals are responsible for 66% of all transfused blood across the country*. With over 129 baseline audits and 97 repeat audits completed, hospitals are leading efforts to make sure every donation counts.
Since the launch of the campaign, 55 sites been designated as Using Blood Wisely Hospitals, recognizing their significant achievements in reducing inappropriate red blood cell transfusions. This includes the designation of two health regions in Manitoba – Southern Health-Santé Sud Regional Health Authority and Prairie Mountain Health Region, comprising of 31 sites.
Choosing Wisely Canada and Canadian Blood Services would like to thank hospitals across the country for their continued leadership in blood stewardship.
It’s not too late to participate! Hospitals interested in joining can sign up and get started with the Using Blood Wisely campaign at any time.
*This information does not include Quebec, as they report to Héma-Québec.