Using Labs Wisely
A national consortium that’s changing the lab utilization landscape in Canada.
Lab testing is the single highest volume of medical activity. While the majority of these tests provide diagnostic insights important to patient care, not all tests are needed. Low-value lab tests can exhaust health care resources and lead to false positives, unnecessary follow-ups, and potential harm to patients.
There are many drivers of low-value lab testing. It can be the result of individual decisions on the frontlines; more often than not, it is the product of antiquated systems and organizational practices that repeatedly nudge people toward ordering more than what is necessary. Uncovering and modifying these habits and processes takes time, the involvement of multiple stakeholders, and a commitment to continuous quality improvement.
Choosing Wisely Canada is inviting hospitals across Canada to join us in a concerted effort to curb low-value testing so that available lab resources could be put to better use.
Using Labs Wisely is a national consortium of hospitals committed to making a measurable impact on reducing low-value lab testing in Canada. Hospitals of various sizes and levels of experience with implementing lab stewardship projects are welcome to join Using Labs Wisely.
Participating hospitals will:
1. Implement Change.
- Identify local improvement priorities and develop annual quality improvement plans.
- Implement interventions to reduce lab utilization and measure the change.
2. Share Data.
- Submit aggregated utilization data on a defined set of tests.
- Receive comparative reports on your hospital’s performance compared to peers in the program.
- Contribute to the creation of a national reporting system for appropriate lab utilization in Canada.
3. Learn With Others.
- Participate in interactive learning sessions with hospitals from across Canada.
- Gain access to tools, coaching, and mentoring opportunities.
- Network with like-minded clinicians, lab experts, researchers, and administrators
- Receive national recognition as a member of the Using Labs Wisely consortium.
- Earn valuable credits towards becoming a Choosing Wisely Canada Hospital
- Make these efforts count twice by applying them toward licensure and accreditation requirements:
Applications are open for Using Labs Wisely. Submit your application below.
- Alberta Health Services (Central Zone)
- Island Health
- Providence Healthcare BC
- Interior Health
- Bluewater Health
- Charlotte Eleanor Englehart Hospital
- Sarnia
- Brant Community Healthcare System
- Carleton Place
- Cambridge Memorial Hospital
- Cornwall Community Hospital
- Espanola Regional Hospital and Health Centre
- Georgian Bay General Hospital
- Glengarry Memorial Hospital
- Haldimand War Memorial Hospital
- Halton Healthcare
- Hamilton Health Sciences Centre
- Grand River Hospital
Joseph Brant Hospital
- Kingston Health Sciences
- Lennox and Addington County Hospital
- London Health Sciences Centre
- Mackenzie Health
- Michael Garron Hospital, Toronto East Health Network
- Montfort Hospital
- Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare
- Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital
- Providence Care Hospital
- Quinte Health Care
- Scarborough Health Network
- Southlake Regional
- South Muskoka Memorial Hospital
- St Mary’s General Hospital
- Huntsville District Memorial Hospital
- Niagara Health Systems
- Greater Niagara General Site
- St. Catherines Site
- Welland Site
- North York General Hospital
- Renfrew Victoria Hospital
- Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre
- Sault Area Hospital
- Sinai Health
- St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
- Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
- The Hospital for Sick Children
- The Ottawa Hospital
- Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
- Trillium Health Sciences
- Unity Health Toronto
- St. Michael’s Hospital
- St. Joseph’s Health Centre
- West Haldimand General Hospital
- William Osler Health System
- Winchester District Memorial Hospital
- Windsor Regional Hospital
- Bluewater Health
- CHU de Québec-Université Laval
- CHUL et Centre mère-enfant Soleil
- Hôpital Enfant-Jésus
- Hôpital St-François d’Assise
- Hôpital St-Sacrement
- L’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec et CRCEO
- CISSS de la Monteregie-EST
- CISSS-Outaouais Hôpital de Gatineau/Hull
- Cite de la Sante de Laval
- Hôpital Jean- Talon du CIUSSS NIM
- Hôpital Notre-Dame
- Hôpital de Verdun
- CHU de Québec-Université Laval
- Vitalite
- Aberdeen Regional Health Centre
- Colchester East Hants Health Centre
- Cumberland Regional Health Care Centre
- IWK Nova Scotia
- Nova Scotia Health (Eastern Zone)
- Cape Breton Hospital
- St. Martha’s Hospital
- Nova Scotia Health (Central Zone)
- Shore Regional Hospital
- Valley Regional Hospital
- Yarmouth Regional Hospital
- Eastern Health
About Choosing Wisely Canada
Choosing Wisely Canada is the national voice for reducing unnecessary tests and treatments in health care. One of its important functions is to help clinicians and patients engage in conversations that lead to smart and effective care choices.
Twitter: @ChooseWiselyCA
Facebook: /ChoosingWiselyCanada
Expert Guidance Aims to Improve Appropriate Use of Lab Testing in Canada
New guidance from an expert panel offers recommendations on minimum retesting intervals for five lab tests commonly repeated in laboratories across the country.
Using Labs Wisely: 2023 Applications Now Open
You can now apply to participate for a March 2023 start in Using Labs Wisely.