Choosing Wisely Canada Awards: Celebrating 10 Years
Choosing Wisely Canada celebrated its remarkable decade-long journey with the inaugural Choosing Wisely Canada Awards.
Choosing Wisely Canada Awards: Celebrating 10 Years
Choosing Wisely Canada celebrated its remarkable decade-long journey with the inaugural Choosing Wisely Canada Awards.

At the ten-year anniversary networking event, Choosing Wisely Canada celebrated its remarkable decade-long journey with the inaugural Choosing Wisely Canada Awards. These prestigious awards were designed to honour individuals, emerging leaders, and organizations for their exceptional dedication to promoting resource stewardship in practice. The awards committee is pleased to announce the following recipients:
Clinician Excellence in Choosing Wisely Award
Recipient: Dr. AbdulRazaq Sokoro
Dr. AbdulRazaq Sokoro, the Chief Operating Officer of Provincial Diagnostic Services at Shared Health in Manitoba, was awarded the Clinician Excellence in Choosing Wisely Award. His strategic leadership has played a crucial role in promoting efficient and effective use of tests and treatments, both within his clinical practice and beyond. Dr. Sokoro’s commitment to reducing overuse is evident in his pivotal role in numerous provincial initiatives, including substantial reductions in low-value testing, as well as promoting appropriateness guidelines. Dr. Sokoro’s dedication extends to shaping future health care leaders through championing Choosing Wisely in medical school curriculum, ensuring the next generation of clinicians are equipped with the principles of resource stewardship.
Future Leader in Choosing Wisely Award
Recipient: Dr. William Silverstein
Dr. William Silverstein has demonstrated remarkable promise as a future leader in Choosing Wisely through his medical and residency training. From co-creating STARS (Students and Trainees Advocating for Resource Stewardship), to now leading the medical student program, Dr. Silverstein has been instrumental in embedding resource stewardship within medical education. His contributions extend beyond education, with notable publications on low-value care and his recent appointment as Associate Editor for JAMA Internal Medicine: Teachable Moments. Dr. Silverstein, as an early-career leader, has demonstrated significant commitment to advancing the principles of Choosing Wisely and fostering future generations to choose wisely.
Organizational Leadership in Choosing Wisely Award
Recipient: Quality of Care NL
Quality of Care NL has demonstrated a significant commitment to driving large-scale change within Canadian health systems through their exemplary Organizational Leadership in Choosing Wisely Award. Their concerted efforts in promoting and implementing Choosing Wisely principles have led to substantial improvements in health care practices. From extensive patient and public outreach on antibiotic stewardship to innovative programs in academic detailing, Quality of Care NL has consistently led initiatives aimed at enhancing patient care while reducing overuse. Their ongoing commitment to embedding Choosing Wisely Canada across health systems is exemplified by their recent designation of Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services as a Choosing Wisely Canada Hospital. Dr. Krista Mahoney, Implementation Lead, and Brian Johnston, Patient Partner on NL SUPPORT’s Patient Advisory Council, accepted the award on Quality of Care NL’s behalf.
These awards serve as recognition and acknowledgement of the incredible contributions of the Choosing Wisely Canada community. Congratulations to all the winners!