New Toolkit Released! Bronchiolitis: Less is Best
A new toolkit to help avoid unnecessary tests and treatments in the management of bronchiolitis.
Download ToolkitNew Toolkit Released! Bronchiolitis: Less is Best
A new toolkit to help avoid unnecessary tests and treatments in the management of bronchiolitis.
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Bronchiolitis is a viral infection that mostly affects infants and children under the age of two. In most cases, children will get better without the need for additional tests or treatments. Despite this, more than half of children with bronchiolitis receive unnecessary tests and treatments, like antibiotics or chest X-rays.
When it comes to bronchiolitis, less is best.
Choosing Wisely Canada’s new toolkit features easy-to-use tools and resources to help clinicians and caregivers manage bronchiolitis appropriately. Developed with experts from across the country, the toolkit provides guidance on the assessment and management of bronchiolitis in emergency and primary care settings.
Learn more about why less is best: