Palliative care is an added layer of support to help you and your loved ones live with a serious illness.
With palliative care, you can get physical, emotional, and spiritual support.
You can get help to relieve pain, fatigue, anxiety, shortness of breath, nausea, and depression. This helps you learn what to expect from your illness and decide on a treatment plan. Sometimes your health care provider can provide palliative support. Other times a trained palliative care team works with you and your health care provider to provide specialist care and the services you need.
Palliative care can help you at any stage of a serious illness.
Examples include congestive heart failure, kidney disease, multiple sclerosis, and cancer. Health care providers often wait too long or they simply don’t refer patients for added palliative care supports. Many patients who are seriously ill miss out on the benefits of palliative care.
Palliative care is a big help when you are seriously ill.